What I'm Loving Online
Nothing makes me happier than a good solid favorites post.
Give me a monthly favorites any day, a weekly round up any day, a massive yearly smorgasbord of favorite favorites, and I am there. All there.
So naturally I’ve got to do another online round up. Because gosh, there is just so much good stuff out there. I can’t keep up. I just can’t. I give up.
I retire.
But in the meantime, here you go, another round up of all the things I have been L-O-V-I-N-G out there on the interwebs.
Let’s start with YouTube shall we?
I feel like every month I discover someone (one? More like ten!) new YouTubers or creators whose content I totally fall for, and who I can’t get enough of. Whilst I have a list longer than I would care to admit of YouTubers I am forever fan-girling over, here are some that have stood out lately:
Sarah Therese
I’ve been a huge fan of Sarah Therese’s lifestyle, mommy hood, and fashion/beauty channel for the longest time, as well as a massive fan of her wholesome family vlogs, with her three little babies (all three or under, wow!). She is just so lovely and admirable in my eyes, and I literally just hope that one day I can be as much of a super mom as she is! I don’t know how she does it! She’s incredibly humble, down to earth, and just… a good, good person. And it can so lovely to find someone so real and honest on YouTube. I can’t get enough! I highly, highly recommend, there’s a wealth of informative video content on her channel so even if the mommy life isn’t for you, there’s something on her channel that will be: Sarah Therese.
Alex Gladwin
I discovered Alex Gladwin’s channel not too long ago but her calm and warm personality and her clear and bright home and videos have already got me hooked, and I always save her videos to my Watch Later to make sure I don’t miss them! She’s got great content from home hauls to mini vlogs to videos that I really enjoy watching and learning from, like her kitchen organization and her veggie grocery hauls. I can’t wait to see more and more of Alex’s content as she grows! Alex Gladwin.
I Covet Thee
Another Alix! I Covet Thee is no new YouTuber so I hardly need to highlight her here, I’m sure you’re already familiar with her! However, I’ve recently rediscovered my love for her content, especially with the increase in vlogs she's been putting out about her imminent move etc. I love a good moving vlog! I’ve always found her so serene and blissful to watch and listen to and I absolutely love her makeup reviews. I Covet Thee.
Freya Farrington
I started following Freya a good while ago but hadn’t given her videos the attention and time they deserved. Recently though I really, really got into her vlog content- and oh my gosh, she is just the sweetest! Freya is the kind of girl you would love to be friends with in real life, which makes following her around on her meaty 40 minute vlogs an absolute delight. It can take me a while to get through some of my favorite videos she puts out but its well worth it, I can totally see her going from strength to strength and can’t wait- highly recommend! Freya Farrington.
Next up, Instagram!
Living My Best Style
Katy from Living My Best Style is far and away one of my favorite girls on Instagram at the moment. She is just so darned REAL! I know that sounds cliche, but its so, so true. There are no pretenses here, nothing fake, just an honest to goodness beautiful girl you can admire but also totally relate to. She shares all the funny and real bits of her day, from her home most of the time, and it’s just like coming home to catch up with a really close girlfriend who just says it as it is. Isn’t that just the best feeling? She also does amazing hauls and shares the most wearable cute clothes (lots from Amazon as well so it’s super affordable) and her casual comfy style has inspired me to tone down the florals a little and get my comfy on too. And also- her eyelashes are just amazing. Don’t miss out! @livingmybeststyle
Dress Up Buttercup
Dede might well be the sweetest human on Instagram at the moment. Like a lot of her online gal pals, she shares a lot of try on hauls, goes to lots of fun girls nights out and shares all the antics, and just generally lets us in on her day to day home and style life. It’s easy to get lost in the absolute plethora of women doing similar things on the app, but Dede stands up because she just comes across so genuine, so kind, and so unassuming, that you can’t help but like her. Seriously, I dare you to try. Her relationship with her husband is also beyond adorable. Definitely a must follow. @dressupbuttercup
Laura Jane (Author)
If you don’t know who Laura Jane is, you’ve probably not picked up a book or listened to a podcast in a good while. She is everywhere! She’s even got a great new book about female relationships and the sisterhood coming out soon, so watch out, she’s about to go even bigger than she already is. But gosh is this lady hilarious! Her Instagram page and tone are not my usual to follow, but I followed her because of how much I enjoyed reading her previous books and for what a finger she truly has on the pulse of pop culture and women’s lives nowadays- and I am so glad I did because her posts and stories always surprise me. And make me laugh! A lot. She’s definitely one to add to your feed. @laurajaneauthor
Bang On Style
Debs is a more recent discovery of mine, and when I first followed her, I had no idea what a spark of light she actually was! Debs feels like someone you already know, in the best possible way. She feels like a long lost friend who would never judge, never have a bad word to say, and always be there for you at the end of the day with a warm cup of tea and a hug, wearing a really fashionable new sweater. Trust me, just give her a view and you’ll see what I mean! Debs also has a great sense of style, talks a lot about relabipnshis with razor sharp wit and insight, and has a beautifully styled space that she’s so real about and shares. Add her to your feed and you won’t regret it. @bangonstyle
How about some blogs?
Lady Writes
If you’re looking for a blog that is just so aesthetic it’s like a balm for the eyes, then look no further. Lady Writes is very much an all rounder, and I really enjoy her Instagram and YouTube (also very aesthetic), but her blog is like a nice old favorite to always come back to. She puts our regular, engaging and well though out content with absolutely beautiful photographs, and covers a bit of every thing, from beauty to blogging and back, which is my favorite kind of blog. This is definitely a long time favorite of mine and will continue to be, no doubt. Lady Writes.
Jen Carrington
I discovered Jen Carrington through one of my favorite new podcasts, Letters From a Hopeful Creative (more on that in another post I’m sure!). I know I am very late to the party having not discovered her and her brilliant work earlier, but I’m so glad that I have now. She has tons of useful resources for creatives, free and paid, and her blog posts are succinct, well written, and thought provoking. I’m so glad I’ve discovered the blog component of her brand and I can’t wait to discover the rest too. Jen Carrington.
The Golden Girl Blog
Jess’s blog is the perfect example of the all round girl blog that covers a little bit of everything, is light and uplifting, aspirational, but also still real at the same time. I always fall in love with blogs by girls like Jess, and hers is a welcome addition to my favorites. I love seeing how she’s built up her home and the trips she takes with her husband- as well her advice posts where she answers questions on basically everything. I mean, her blog is called the Golden Girl blog, can you get more cheerful and happy than that? Nope, you can’t. The Golden Girl Blog.
Kelly in the City
Kelly in the City is such a lovely, varied, exhaustive blog about every thing home and family related, run and written by a husband and wife duo, which is unusual and refreshing! The occasional dad post is a real treat to read! The couple have managed to take their little world and make it into something that is truly informative and content worthy, and that’s not always easy to do! Their home is lovely, their family is lovely, and the blog is beautifully designed- definitely, definitely well worth a visit! Kelly in the City.
And now my absolute favorite... online shopping of course.
Not on the High Street: Sophia Victoria Joy
I’ve been a big fan of Sophia Victoria Joy, the store and brand, for the longest time. I discovered Not on the High Street a few years ago and basically spent hours perusing the absolute treasure trove of brands, designers, unique gifts and amazing sentimental trinkets, and storing them away in my Wishlist, wondering when I would eventually get around to ordering them or find the right occasion. I still have dozens of items tucked away for the perfect day, but one of my all time favorite stores on Not on the High Street is without a doubt Sophia Victoria Joy. Her stuff is just insanely cute. Sophia Victoria Joy.
And finally… women’s websites.
I was super sad when Glamour went off our shelves last year. Buying Glamour was a monthly highlight for me, and as much as there are lovely options still out there on our shelves (which I couldn’t be more grateful for), the truth is nothing is very really going to the Glamour’s place in my heart. Not for a long while anyway. And so I’m super glad that Glamour’s website has totally upped their game and become a really stylish, really appealing platform for consuming shorter but equally punchy content, like what I was used to from the timeless classic that was their print edition. I find myself checking back literally every day- they honestly can’t produce enough content for me! Read it here: Glamour.
And there you have it- some of my online loves lately.
What have you been loving online?